6 research outputs found

    Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzenanalytik im Hochdurchsatz – Technologie, Möglichkeiten und Anwendungen der numares NMR-Plattform

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    Um eine effiziente Analytik von Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen zu gewährleisten und die hohe Variabilität an auftretenden Matrizes und Probentypen, ebenso wie die unterschiedlichsten analytischen Fragestellungen und Anforderungen bearbeiten zu können, ist eine Vielzahl komplementärer analytischer Methoden erforderlich.Die numares AG nutzt einen neuen, innovativen Ansatz, basierend auf der Kernspinresonanzspektroskopie (NMR), um Pflanzenzüchter und die verarbeitende Industrie bei der Analyse und Optimierung von Züchtungsprojekten, Prozessabläufen oder in der Qualitätskontrolle zu unterstützen. Nachfolgend werden anhand ausgewählter Beispiele die Technologie und deren Möglichkeiten und Anwendungsgebiete vorgestellt. Stichwörter: NMR, Hochdurchsatzanalytik, Elitenselektion, Metobolomic ProfilingMedicinal and Aromatic Plant Analysis in high-throughput – technology, possibilities and applications of the numares NMR-platformTo ensure an efficient analysis of medicinal and aromatic plants and to be able to handle the high variability occurring in matrices and sample types a variety of complementary analytical methods is required. The numares AG provides a new and innovative approach based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to assist plant breeders and industry in the analysis and optimization of breeding projects, process flows and in quality control. The technology, its potential and applications are presented below based on selected examples. Keywords: NMR, high-throughput screening, elite selection, metobolomic profilin

    Formation and Decomposition of CO<sub>2</sub> Intercalated Graphene Oxide

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    The formation, stability, and decomposition of CO<sub>2</sub> intercalated graphene oxide was analyzed by FTIR, TGA-MS, TGA-IR, AFM, and SEM for the first time. We found that the formation starts at 50 °C and develops up to 120 °C. The formation process can be best observed by FTIR spectroscopy, and the product is stable at ambient conditions. At higher temperatures, the decomposition of CO<sub>2</sub> intercalated graphene oxide occurs due to the release of water, CO<sub>2</sub>, and CO that can be monitored by TGA-MS and TGA-IR analysis. AFM and SEM images can visualize the formation of blisters in GO films that become instable at 210 °C. We further prepared graphene oxide with a low water-content and found that the formation of CO<sub>2</sub> was significantly suppressed and CO became the major species responsible for the weight loss. In addition we prepared <sup>18</sup>OH<sub>2</sub> treated graphene oxide to elucidate the formation process of CO<sub>2</sub> and found C<sup>16</sup>O<sup>18</sup>O by TGA-MS analysis that proves the crucial role of water during CO<sub>2</sub> formation. From these experiments we propose that hydrate species are key-intermediates for the formation of CO<sub>2</sub>. Hence, it seems likely that rearrangement reactions that can proceed via hydrate intermediates, known from organic chemistry, are probably responsible for the formation of carboxylic acids at the edges of graphene oxide sheets after sonication of graphite oxide. Further, our investigations prove that graphene oxide is less stable than shown by TGA measurements. This has a high impact on the electronic properties of reduced graphene oxide, especially for all those using it for electronic applications

    Formation and Decomposition of CO<sub>2</sub> Intercalated Graphene Oxide

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    The formation, stability, and decomposition of CO<sub>2</sub> intercalated graphene oxide was analyzed by FTIR, TGA-MS, TGA-IR, AFM, and SEM for the first time. We found that the formation starts at 50 °C and develops up to 120 °C. The formation process can be best observed by FTIR spectroscopy, and the product is stable at ambient conditions. At higher temperatures, the decomposition of CO<sub>2</sub> intercalated graphene oxide occurs due to the release of water, CO<sub>2</sub>, and CO that can be monitored by TGA-MS and TGA-IR analysis. AFM and SEM images can visualize the formation of blisters in GO films that become instable at 210 °C. We further prepared graphene oxide with a low water-content and found that the formation of CO<sub>2</sub> was significantly suppressed and CO became the major species responsible for the weight loss. In addition we prepared <sup>18</sup>OH<sub>2</sub> treated graphene oxide to elucidate the formation process of CO<sub>2</sub> and found C<sup>16</sup>O<sup>18</sup>O by TGA-MS analysis that proves the crucial role of water during CO<sub>2</sub> formation. From these experiments we propose that hydrate species are key-intermediates for the formation of CO<sub>2</sub>. Hence, it seems likely that rearrangement reactions that can proceed via hydrate intermediates, known from organic chemistry, are probably responsible for the formation of carboxylic acids at the edges of graphene oxide sheets after sonication of graphite oxide. Further, our investigations prove that graphene oxide is less stable than shown by TGA measurements. This has a high impact on the electronic properties of reduced graphene oxide, especially for all those using it for electronic applications